Portable water, education, better healthcare and above all a sense of service

15 Jan

As mid afternoon approached on January 14th 2012, 300+ men, women and children gathered in Sanakoro Djitimou to greet and welcome a presidential candidate. 10 National PACP party members headed by Party President Yeah Samake met the newly elected PACP representatives in the commune of Sanakoro Djitimou. For this event, 27 different village representatives came to hear Yeah and PACP speak. The mayor’s representative Bagayoko also came to greet the party. The party came to display their new logo and what their values were. Yeah spoke with eloquence of what could be achieved in Mali if he was given the chance to lead his people.

Yeah and his party representatives were greeted with loud singing and dancing. The dancing was unusual in that it represented an old form of dancing showing that the commune had not lost its traditions.

This was an awesome meeting. Yeah was in particular touched by the actions of an older man who came to shake his hand. This man called Traore expressed a deep gratitude for what Yeah stood for and hoped to bring to Mali: portable water, education, and health services. He hoped that Yeah’s sense of service would affect his fellow Malians.

The entire event was covered by National TV and will be aired by ORTM tomorrow night.

It is the hope as rallies like this happen that people can be shown what is possible if Yeah is elected. It will be important on Yeah’s part for him to balance the new with the old so that traditions that do work are not lost. The day fast approaches when a decision will be made. It is a hope that the decision for a new leader will be Yeah Samake.

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Posted by on January 15, 2012 in Past Posts


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