The calm before the storm

23 Jun

The day started off beautifully. The weather was actually milder. So the kids and I went to the yard. Keanen seems to have an affinity for leaves and I don’t think our papaya trees will survive the next year. Already its missing about 30 leaves. Carmen seems to follow Kean like a little shadow, each time saying” Thats a great idea Keanen”. Those two seem to have created a bond given their new circumstances. Not to say the fighting has stopped. That still happens, usually with Keanen winning the battle and Carm winning the war 🙂

Right before lunch, a storm rolled through and as I sit here typing the rain continues. It was loud for the first two hours and there was a wind that blew open our doors a couple of times. And we have some strong doors. I am glad on days like this that we have concrete on our yard. The kids are getting used to the loud thunder. They did not complain much today. I think it helped that it wasn’t dark outside. I am sure the kids will keep themselves occupied with killing some bugs tonite.

After the rains stopped, we went to visit Yeah’s mother’s elder sister. She is very sick. She was glad to see us and sad that we could not converse with her. It is hard listening to the Bambara around us and not be able to participate or respond. Keanen got a little frustrated today. He thought that they were laughing at him. I could understand that feeling. I felt that way when I first came to Mali in 2006 and somedays it does feel that way when you hear laughing and your name being used at the same time. I understand however it is not meant to be cruel. When we came home I explained to him that they were speaking a different language and he may feel they were talking about him, but that they were not. I tried to tell him to be a little patient. He seemed more eager to learn the language after this.

It didn’t storm in the night, but the bug sure did invite themselves in. 🙂

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Posted by on June 23, 2011 in Past Posts


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